Sodium in Sports Nutrition

The physiology, the practice and the outcomes that matter to athlete’s

On behalf of the Education committee, we are delighted to invite you to our Sodium in Sports Nutrition workshop in Melbourne on Thursday the 17th of October 2019.


Date:  Thursday 17th of October 2019
Time:  10:00-12:00pm – registrations at 9.30am.
Venue: Champions Room – Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre (MSAC)
Cost: $145
CDP: 15 CDPpts
Coffee/tea and snacks will be provided


This workshop will focus on the practical outcomes, and what practitioners can advise athletes around sodium given our current state of knowledge.

  • Overview of sodium in sports nutrition
  • Case studies/Activities using a variety of examples/scenarios from different sports
  • Reviewing current (and recently emerging evidence) with outcomes of significance to athletes in each sport setting
  • Review the health and performance outcomes

Key Learning Outcomes:

  1. Describe the metabolism and body storage of sodium, the interplay between kidney and sweat gland function, and their relevance to sport and exercise nutrition
  2. Understand the physiological role/s of sodium in the achievement and maintenance of hydration status before, during and after exercise, in context of an athlete’s complete diet.
  3. Describe the role of sodium balance on athlete health and performance outcomes.
  4. Apply physiological knowledge of sodium intake and losses before, during and after exercise to a variety of sport-specific scenarios, and predict the outcomes of sodium intake interventions.
  5. Critically examine existing sports nutrition guidelines in relation to sodium intake for athletes.


14th May Registrations Open
26th September Registrations Close
17th October Sodium in Sports Nutrition – The physiology, the practice and the outcomes that matter to athlete’s workshop

*Registrations will be capped