Sports Dietitians Australia Factsheets

Welcome to the Sports Dietitians Australia factsheets! We encourage you to use the factsheets to further your understanding of these specific areas of sports nutrition but please note that the information they contain is general in nature. We all have different physical needs and attributes. This means that while there are general principles, the key to sports nutrition is that it is very individual in nature. For this reason, not all factsheets are publicly available and are accessible only to members. For support that is specific to your activity needs and health and stage of life requirements, please reach out to an Accredited Sports Dietitian.

Pre- exercise Fuelling

As a coach you want to ensure that your athletes arrive ready to train or compete. The food they eat and drink before training or competing can help ensure they are ready by providing a chance to:

  • Fuel and hydrate the body and brain for the exercise session ahead.
  • Avoid unwelcome and distracting hunger pangs during the session or unwanted stomach discomfort or visits to the toilet.

For more information download the ‘Pre-exercise Fuelling’ factsheet where we have addressed common questions that your athletes might ask when it comes to eating and drinking before exercise