The role of almonds in good nutrition and physical and mental health

By Accredited Sports Dietitians Nicole Dynan and Holly Edstein

The role of diet in optimising mental health outcomes

Recent research has uncovered a link between diet quality and mental health. Diets high in ultra-processed packaged foods are linked to mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, while diets rich in plants, fibre and unsaturated ‘good’ fats have been shown to reduce the symptoms of depression. This has implications for the health and wellbeing of all Australians, including adults, children, athletes and workplace teams.

Where do almonds fit in?

Almonds are a nutrient powerhouse and can boost the quality of any diet. They contain protein, zinc, vitamin E, unsaturated fats, polyphenols and fermentable dietary fibres that have prebiotic benefits. Prebiotics feed beneficial bacteria and help them to:

  • promote a healthy gut
  • reduce inflammation
  • improve absorption of nutrients
  • improve immunity, and
  • regulate mood

Almonds have been shown to promote these prebiotic benefits1 and contribute to a diet rich in plant diversity that supports mental health and wellbeing.

Click here to read more around the impacts of almonds on exercise and mental health.